April 2024 Update
This year we will be limiting our peony sales to blooms in season and root divisions. Most of our peonies bloom from late May through June. Blooms are kept in cold storage for 6 weeks and can be shipped within 24-48 hour travel time. We sell retail and wholesale. For bloom orders please call us at 250 354-2931 so that we can offer current information on varieties, colours, and numbers available.
Our season looks to be at least a week ahead of last year and we are excited as always to see peony shoots popping up in our fields. Some shoots are six inches in height and others have not yet pushed through the soil. As the peonies mature, we will monitor their development and will be adding additional numbers and varieties to our roots for sale.
If you live in the Kootenays, you may be interested to know that there will be a peony show in Castlegar on June 14th and 15th. See the peony show poster on our website for more information.